

Schoeman, A. (2021). Co-opting the state: how weak parties can make stable party systems, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 59(2): 169-192

Cachalia, R. & Schoeman, A. (2017). Violent extremism in South Africa: Assessing the current threat, Southern Africa Report, vol. 7, May 2017. 

Schoeman, A. (2017). Will limits on free expression prevent terrorism?, Africa in the World Report, vol. 2, September 2017.  

Working in progress

Schoeman, A. 2024. Political Parties and the State in the Global South: State-Building, Corruption and Party System Change. Routledge (book). 

Schoeman, A. South Africa's Subnational Climate Change Response. In Decentralized Governance and Climate Change. Edited by Serdar Yilmaz, Paul Smoke & Jorge Martinez. Edgar Elgar Publishing (book chapter). 

Schoeman, A. Social Accountability Mechanisms in Response to State Capture in South Africa. In The Routledge Handbook of Anti-Corruption Research and Practice. Edited by Roxana Bratu & Joseph Pozsgai-Alvarez. Routledge (book chapter).


Schoeman, A. (2021). Electoral Politics in Africa since 1990, Party Politics, 27(6)

Schoeman, A. (2021). Life after Dictatorship: Authoritarian Successor Parties Worldwide, Political Studies Review, 19(2). 

Schoeman, A. (2020). How dictatorships work: power, personalization, and collapse, Democratization, 27(1).  

Schoeman, A. (2020). Clients and Constituents: Political responsiveness in patronage democracies, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 58(2). 

Schoeman, A. (2019). Ideology & identity: the changing party systems of India, Contemporary South Asia, 27(3).